Project Six: iFilm MK Canal

September 5, 2017

We recently formed a partnership with Buckingham Canal Society to deliver a youth social action project called iFilm MK Canal.

We were commissioned by Buckingham Canal Society to deliver a project that would engage young people and empower them to become ambassadors of the canal restoration project Buckingham Canal Society are currently undergoing.

We engaged 12 young people from Milton Keynes in a film project, and challenged them to create a short promotional film which could be used as an advert to other young people and encourage them to volunteer on the restoration project.

We engaged with a mixed cohort of young people from Milton Keynes Academy and young people who are home skilled and we engaged them in a week long project that built up their skills in scripting, filming, photography and video editing. We shot on location and the young people created a fantastic short film, which will be used, by The Arts Excite C.I.C, Buckingham Canal Society and Milton Keynes Academy for young people to continue promote volunteer opportunities.

This work has been supported by funding from MK Community Foundation.

Jordon Maynatrd-Daley